
Oh yeah, well I live on the sun and until it reaches at least 1 million degrees Centigrade I don't want to hear one complaint.

Well all proceeds are going for the treatment of someone with a terrible disease, apparently. So I guess that's good.

Actually this looks like it's been designed to hit the other lightsaber. It's not acting like an attacker or anything like that. It's the equivalent of kids playing together where the object is to whack the stick against the other guys stick and to avoid hitting them.

Provides evidence for the adverts sentiment.

The whole concept of "intuitive" is marketing baloney. Computers are the antithesis of intuitive (even, I'm sorry to break it to you, iPads). Once you know how to use them then it seems intuitive but there is a learning curve.

What? You're telling me that marketing on products is a load of hooey?

Kwame Opam makes a good point. Why would they be disguised as us, necessarily? If other beings that can navigate interstellar space exist on earth what are the odds they'd look anything like us, that masquerading as one of us would be at all successful. Using the best technology and CGI effects for the movies we, that

Albertson's plainly doesn't wish to subsidize the few techies that actually use the self-checkouts appropriately. I think that's legitimate. If these things cost them less money than having conventional checkouts they'd still be there but plainly they don't. This also implies that there's something wrong with the

It could be very useful for people with autism spectrum disorders. Some people with ASD have deucedly difficult time recognizing facial expressions.