
I'm really surprised that this wasn't posted earlier, hehe.

Because with the CIA they DOS'd their website. That DOS makes the agency look silly, but generally leaves people unharmed. Meanwhile the Arizona release is personal information that could lead to individuals and their families facing a myriad of violent crimes due to their position as border control.

Another comment along these lines, just because the CIA doesn't have a press release regarding their webpage, doesn't mean nothing is being done. Whereas a lot of corporations and other government entities like to get out ahead of the press, agencies like the CIA and NSA prefer silence above all. The natural

@PelicanHazard: I understand what your saying but still disagree. Who needs to spell problem words when technology has penetrated as far into our lives as it has? I think if you were to map times that a spellchecker was not available with times that correct spelling was necessary, you'd find very few places where

I have one question though: What is really the problem with this.


@DeeDawg: I think it all depends on a point of view. Mine is that God is the ultimate scientist, and the best that we can do is discover the math and mechanics of how it was done.

@Dynastius: As a rational intelligent Christian, I approve of this comment.

@Curves: This is why Chuck Norris owns neither a microwave or a stove.

@Eric Tate: Last sentence made me LOL.

@Jackstick: They didn't have 8xAA back then...

There were no first order witnesses to the creation of the universe (regardless of anyone's theory of how it happened), so most attempts to recreate it are just some guys thoughts as to how it may have happened, regardless of how pretty his example is.

@chimpycheeseman: You have to go back and read it in context, that was a reply to someone else' comment.

Would you rather see "In God We Trust" on your dollar or have that dollar not worth anything because the economy is tanked?

@ifandbut: We need to get the everyone who's been in office for years out. Put aside your anti-republican bias and look into the Tea Party man, you might find you like it more than you think.