
@ifandbut: I'll give you a combined History / Government lesson. The President can't just do whatever he wants.

@ifandbut: I see your progressive overlords have trained you well. Section 8, Paragraph 13, Title 5 of the Progressive Zombie Code states "If at any point you come up against numbers, simply blame them on the Republicans without any further explanation."

@d1zzle: Never mind that they're increasing the national debt and inflation at non-sustainable levels because they need to fund some nature activists study of the effects of orgasms in and around the Detroit area on the amazonian slick-backed whogivesashit. Do we really need net neutrality more than a stable economy

@frigg: It's also amphibious, making it the largest sea-land faring vessel evar.

This looks shopped. I can tell by some of the pixels....

The real problem is that the government should back the hell up and let people do business. Our taxes wouldn't be so high if they could get their shit together and stop funding every wild ass idea that benefits the one-eyed amazon trouser trout for $4 million a year....

@techynottreky: I agree. It is impossible for a 2D object to exist in meatspace, which is inherently 3D. No matter how many zeroes they put between the decimal and the first significant digit, the fact that there is a significant digit makes it 3D.

@crikerat: That still wouldn't do it, as the code would skip right over the print statement. It would have to be like this:

@dereksalem: The force carrying it out is called momentum. An object in motion tends to stay in motion unless another force slows it and all...

@npulliam: You can't change the definition of chaos just because you want to perceive chaos as order.

@Azures: I still disagree. You say we only understand 5%, and therefore can't say there isn't any order in the other 95%. While we may only understand 5%, we've seen a hell of a lot more than 5%. Chaos can be visibly verified in whatever percentage we've observed, even if we only understand and have documented 5%.

So wait, do they have two of these cameras, and they took a picture of the other camera taking a picture in order to illustrate the effect? Seems an awfully expensive reason for a second prototype.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: So to sum up your equally biased reply: "Nu uh, I'm right and you're wrong."

@Azures: The random trial and error of trillions of particles is unfortunately in direct disagreement with the 2nd law of thermodynamics. This law states that any organization, if left to natural processes, will move towards disorganization. It takes sentience to do the opposite. You can view this anywhere in the

@TacDrol: Unfortunately, your statistics only apply to the whackos that the liberal media puts on the glowing square that you stare at all day.

@AkkiRonin: You should probably do a bit of research before making asinine uninformed comments. Guantanamo Bay has been here since 1903 and is the oldest overseas Naval Installation in the country. While the prisons are located on the installation, they aren't the only group that is here. Guantanamo Bay also