Rhodes Scholar

No need to kill anyone. Go back in time and buy paintings from Young Artist Hitler. Set him up with a career in the arts where no one understands why he’s famous but he still gets shows and sells work. It worked well when the people of the future came back and gave future warlord Jared Leto an acting career.

did they also throw out DaBathwater?

Infinite realities means there’s a nice, PG version too. It’s all canon.

She then added.

Really, the dumbest thing about that movie was including Batman in it at all. The moment they shoehorned the Wayne family in (and had them get shot, like always) it killed disbelief because there was no way this version of the Joker would ever be a challenge for Bats.

Of course, without the Batman branding it’s just

I still don’t really get what the geo(-galacto?-)political situation between the New Republic and First Order was supposed to be, pre-TFA.

Original/contemporary copy of the Declaration of Independence:$4M

Oh man, wrong Simpsons pricture!

I’ve met him, and he’s an extremely friendly and gracious person.

I agree that the mechanics of the game make it easy to isolate and dramatize individual plays and players. At the same time, fact that as a team sport the outcome depends upon multiple characters has a different emotional resonance than individual sports achievement in boxing or golf.

Eh, if Picard isn’t revealed to have become a total failure who killed his crew, thus proving his enemies right all along, and then gets an another unrelated/civilian family killed out of carelessness, I for one won’t mind. :P

Oh cool he did a cover of that Nirvana song.

I liked that Ben’s redemption was not just to turn against Palpatine but also to sacrifice his life to save Rey. But they should not have kissed. There didn’t even need to be any dialogue. Just Rey gazing at Ben, wondering why he saved her, and then he just smiles and falls over dead would have been perfect. The kiss

I've had to look 3 times to make sure that isn't Chris Farley

My free advice to the studio: go smaller by interweaving two or three films. So in one, Hulk shows up in the middle of a Dr Strange movie, only he’s having his own adventure that intersects briefly and that we’ll see from his perspective in his own film. Maybe the Fantastic Four are trying to fix a problem and come up

There’s not “loving” something and then there’s calling it not art, which is essentially what Scorsese did. He didn’t say “these movies aren’t for me.” He said “they don’t even belong in the same category as my films.” Which is pretentious gatekeeping and people who love those films and especially the people who’ve

Comic book movies are filled with missteps as people try to recreate the comic page on the screen. (Ang Lee’s ‘Hulk’ “panels”, anyone?) The ‘Age of Ultron’ splash page shot is one of them, but the ‘Avengers’ tracking shot is an example of how to do it right. You’re still making a film, so keep the filmic language, but

I’ll also give props to War Machine, the straight-down-the line military man, being frankly over the whole thing as soon as it begins, but still getting a few good one-liners. (“Tiny man is big now. Tiny man is big now!”)

I’ll get even more specific, and focus on just that tracking shot in the Battle of New York where the camera pans from hero to hero. As a lifelong comic geek I was amazed the movie even existed, but as much as I enjoyed the whole movie, that one moment felt like a double splash page come to life. Other parts made me

As superhero action scenes go, The Battle of New York is so well-staged, and pretty tough to beat. And the amazing thing is, they are just fighting a bunch of CGI nonsense we shouldn’t even care about. But we do care about what’s going on, because the action is driven by character. This would become a trait of the