Rhodes Scholar

My general answer is also the first Avengers movie, but I’ll be more specific: The Battle of New York. There had been lots of great moments in the Avengers (and the MCU in general) up until that point, but the climactic battle is for me the moment when comic book movies showed that they could completely capture the

Yeah, I think the “first time” is a special moment that can’t be recreated, but the “finale” moments of Infinity War and Endgame were also unique, and amazing, experiences.

This is one of the reasons I stopped watching Family Guy - after a while, it felt like the show was only pretending to be ironically making racist/misogynistic jokes and that the audience really was supposed to be laughing WITH the show for employing stereotypes or making light of violence against women.

I think he realized that the joke was coming off kinda mean-spirited at best and offensive/transphobic at worst and decided “yeah, I should just stop talking now.”

Wow, in the time it took me to refresh this page (because I was having trouble with comments) he scored a third goal; I don’t follow soccer enough outside of the World Cup to know about this guy, but this is kinda unbelievable.

(Preface: huge superhero and especially MCU fan). I kinda got this criticism when it was coming from Scorsese, who tends to not really drift into the sci-fi or fantasy genres and maybe just can’t connect with stories that have non-human characters or otherworldly plots. But the man who made Dracula (and claims to have

I like Nolan a lot, but I think The Dark Knight is better than Inception.
(Also, The Prestige may be better than both, but that’s an aside).

I could do a whole book on misunderstood rap lyrics, half of which would probably be Wu-tang Clan, but here’s my top two:

I think she plays for a club team, actually, and I’m not even sure which is worse: presenting to kids the idea that endangering their health is the only way to afford college, or convincing them to assume the same danger for no tangible reward at all.

I get your point, slippery slopes and everything, but it’s getting increasingly hard to watch this stuff or participate in it in good conscience. I gave up on boxing (and never got into car racing) a long time ago because I couldn’t watch a sport where death was a reasonable potential outcome of the competition.

So I strongly dislike conspiracy theories but figured I’d throw this one out. Anyone think the NFL purposely gave the Pats a super-easy schedule because they assume it’s Brady’s last year and figure it’d be good for the sport if the Pats can duplicate their perfect season (and actually win the SB this time) as a swan