Blizzard servers get DDoS’d: No big deal
Blizzard servers get DDoS’d: No big deal
I know who can stop this :3
She was unstable, carrying sharp items and had young children with her - deescalating the situation by leaving just puts the kids at risk.
they can’t do that when she has potential victims inside the premise. If they left and she murdered her children they would be responsible.
There’s also this:
He isn’t violating anything on the person’s computer.
You could just force close the game and remove the mod to get rid of the license loop.
There isn’t anything particularly malicious about it or destructive.
Funny how you say that the computer isn’t their physical property, but it’s totally fine that people are stealing a game they do not own.
I’m not huge on correcting grammar or spelling, but if you’re trying to probe someone’s intelligence you should probably spell “their” correctly when you’re trying to pull that move (I highly doubt you were trying to be archaic or sarcastic.)
I mean, for games only, sure. But since you get Prime Video and all its content, Prime Music, free shipping on everything, Kindle bonuses, and now Twitch shit, it’s hardly a bad investment. I mean, I’ve been a Prime member since it was ONLY shipping. With all the perks now, it’s one of the best “membership” options…
Nowhere did I say it’s worth Amazon Prime to only buy a few games a year and nothing more. You created this whole fantasy scenario in your head just to shake your cane at Prime.
Any time a game lets you make a first and last name, shit gets fuckin’ *real*.
What are the naming conventions of this race/clan? Is there a difference between feminine and masculine names? Is there a signifier for family lineage? etc etc. I end up sitting at that name box for a long time while doing research.
I take…
Love the lightning!
We stopped them from getting the supplies they needed to continue waging a war of aggression against China, a war in which they were killing millions. The U.S. would have been a bad guy if they kept on giving them the material to do that, not by withholding it.
“ The Fat Man weapon, containing a core of about 6.4 kg (14 lb) of plutonium, was dropped over the city’s industrial valley at 32.77372°N 129.86325°E. It exploded 47 seconds later at 1,650 ± 33 ft (503 ± 10 m), above a tennis court[192] halfway between the Mitsubishi Steel and Arms Works in the south and the Nagasaki…
“they dropped 2 atomic bombs on their citizens, not their military but their citizens.”
No, no Japan was very much the bad guy. Civilian deaths are terrible, but Japan got off light compared to the saturation bombings in Europe, and compared to the horrors they inflicted in China, Korea and to POWs. And how the war in the Pacific began, of course....
I mean, I went to school in a pretty conservative area, and we learned about the trail of tears, American Indian wars, slavery, the detention of Japanese-American citizens, and how the police responded to the civil rights movement.
Have you ever heard of Pearl Harbor? Such nice guys they were!