Rhode Islander

The bodies, quite literally, were still warm.

So, “Oops, we got caught. Won’t do it again. Just pretend you didn’t see it that one time, 25 million [or whatever] TV viewers.

Demographics in my neighborhood break down like this: Several kids in elementary school, a few older siblings, and parents, alongside quiet a few retirees.

And he got the then-Republican governor to petition the state General Assembly for the 38 Studios money based on, basically, a handshake.

Thanks, dude!

I have found more good music reading the Jamboroo, dude.

Fuck you, Crypt Keeper Al Davis. TOMB Brady ate the Colts and shat them out like so much avocado ice cream.

One fucked-up irony of this is that, if he shouldn’t get this appointment, Kavanaugh would just return to his federal judgeship — with Merrick Garland [who, notably, didn’t have a screaming hissy-fit on national TV when he didn’t even get a hearing on his nomination.]

What Kavanaugh expressed wasn’t pain as normal people experience it.

+1 vote in favor of shitty local TV ads — looking forward to a lot of sleazy lawyers and used car dealers [apologies for being repetitive].

Three consecutive Dodge Caravans in the mid- to late 80s. They went through, collectively, eight transmissions.

My single star is nowhere near enough to acknowledge the greatness of this comment. 

A shitty little town in my state tried to ban the town from buying Nike gear before the retired state cop leading the town council backed down.

I just gotta say, Drew, I love the Al Davis crypt keeper gag.

That's rude... oh.


That’s perfect!

Kinja handle checks out, too. +1

Right. The disastrous UHIP [state computer system, for non-RIers] roll-out is another reason. The idiotic tourism campaign from a couple of years back is yet another one.