Rhode Islander

Exactly. Pawtucket [and by extension the state] had five decades to improve the area around McCoy, and did nothing. It took the threat of leaving [headed up by Larry Lucchino] to get them to hastily throw together a plan.

That, plus a baseball stadium for a team that we’ve hosted for 50 years is a lot more tangible than a video game, particularly for the majority of [old] voters. Not that I was in favor of the$38 million, mind you, but at least there was something physical that we’d get for it.

You can fucking have them, Worcester. My state offered them a complete renovation of a city center less than two miles from their current location and almost $40 million in taxpayer funds — but it wasn’t enough.

I’m tempted to get a #64 jersey: Kush.

No, it was at the corner of Pontiac and Sockanosset in Cranston.

Before reading: Bring it, Drew! Give me all the cheat-cheat-cheat, TURRIBLE FANS, and Darth Hoodie!

Two words:

Now THERE’S a reference that Rhode Islanders will get — at least those in the East Providence/Seekonk, Mass. area.

I was looking forward to this one, Drew, and you didn’t disappoint.

You’re definitely onto something. It did seem that, after the initial curiosity rush, people just went back to Dunkin’.

I know it’s not fast food like those other places, but Krispy Kreme is way overrated. Watching doughnuts float down a hot oil stream is fun for about 10 seconds, a coffee with milk has 2,000 calories, and 15 minutes after you eat, your stomach feels like a beach ball.

My wife had one for grad school. Literally the minute after she got her diploma, she said, “We’re getting rid of that fucking car.”

Thanks for catching that, btw

OOPS. Correction: BC Eagles.

Take. Stand. Park. Run. Strike. Set.

Next up: Minnesota Vikings. Ugh.

Minihane shouldn’t take it personally...

First you say it, then you do it.

Code Brown Award goes to that dude.

Not exactly. At first they wanted $120 million in subsidies from the state, plus free land, for a stadium along I-195, and that plan fell apart. The $38 million was a combination of city and state funding.