
She’s NOT a staff person!  Not a staff person!  She’s the First Daughter!

No one knows! Assistant to the President in No Official Way?

Now would be the time for Ivanka to work against being a feckless cunt

And has spent years as a rape apologist online! Nothing to see here!

Bert and Ernie are confirmed bachelors who are also best friends and have lived together for several decades. Why would anyone think they were gay?

Truly, fuck all the women who are ready to pony out the ‘well, he didn’t do it to me, so he couldn’t have done it to her’ defense.

Yeah, you really can’t be the bigger person when it comes to him; going low and nasty seems to be the only way to get his attention. 

This is going to get to him bigly.  She could have written that his presidency is the worst thing to happen to America since 9/11.  She could have written that his wife is hideous looking and braindead.  She could have written that he is a grade-A asshole and dumber than a nutless squirrel.  She could have called his

Oh I’m not hysterical, I tell the truth, you being a moron isn’t an insult if it’s true, and your series of comments is proof positive of that.

Morons like yourself don’t have any clue about intelligence, so that stands.

She and her husband produced a History Channel miniseries The Bible that had a Satan who was styled in a way that he looked like President Obama.

Wholly shit you’re a fucking idiot.

Oh god... totally.

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and their supporters are the ones who didn’t vote for The Confessed Sexual Predator. It was Trumpeteers, Berners and Jill Steiners who are responsible. Plus the huge number of people who thought this was about popularity and decided they weren’t excited enough to get off their asses and

That’s correct! I ALWAYS want to know who the assholes are, and they’re doing us a great service by being upfront about their assholishness.

Right? I almost like when they come out blazing like that. The stupidity is forehead-slapping, but it saves time and energy.

I believe her and I fully support her. Unlike Kavanaugh and his douche bro friend she wasn’t a black out drunk back then, she’s provided notes from her therapist and she’s passed a polygraph.