Does anyone else think the tattoos or at least the damaged part are just going to be temporary?
2 episodes then finale. 3 episodes total.
I’m in the same situation as you, thank you for posting this.
Darius Archibald
I’d put money on Maddyson!
Aww shucks, I do believe you made me blush.
I had a huge crush on Molly Ringwald when I was younger!!!! They say you’re prettier than her?!?!
+1 love points for Ms. Kendrick for that. She nabbed all the gold stars, I had to switch over to love points.
I’m curious, who is it they say you look like?
Take his place then! Live his life!
Do you look think you look like him? People say I look like a certain celebrity & I don’t see it at all.
I recently got into archery. It's so much fun! I've met such amazing people & they don't judge you at all if you aren't that great. Lots of laughs & surprisingly lots of lovely ladies too!
You’re so right. I have a crush on somebody right now, I fucking wish I didn’t.
That's some scary shit to say. I'm never going to the ocean now.
I had asked this young lady out once, she was dating somebody, ok cool no problem.
That title had me laughing!! I’m sure it’s an actual title too