Rhiticko Serpico Colombo

At 30 I still have one at home. If the power goes out I can still call someone. Don't get all the hate for them, it's practical and cheap.

But what effect does this have on climate change?

Just when I thought MT couldn't get any Loher.

Never understood how people get started into this kind of thing. I've been offered but turned it down and just stopped associating with whomever peddled it.

Agreed, I thought the term 'Eskimo' is actually derogatory?

It DOES seem pretty damn half assed and made just to pander to Congress penny pinchers.

Two questions: One, if the fuel is liquid H and O would some of the by product just be water? Or am I being to simplistic?

Sense is probably one of the best 'Custom' skins I have ever used. Kinda confused by the hate?

This guy should be one of your writers. Witty chap.

Ty sir. Almost a pity we can't snag one and put it in orbit for study.

Maybe she should look up how that shit-mobile of hers is made.

Why aren't these NEOs getting caught in Earths gravity? Velocity too high?

I fail to see the point of this, is this even a review of the game?

Been testing it, just can't get myself to buy it. But that would be the same for any MMO. I simply don't have the time to play that can justify the subscription fee.


Don't see what the big deal is. I enjoyed The Matrix trilogies and the SW movies. Naturally there are things that mildly annoy my about them, but I don't care.

Agreed, the word 'suck' is pretty harsh in regards to Iron Man 2.

I find your lack of faith...disturbing.

This gave me goosebumps and a massive smile, love it!