Rhiticko Serpico Colombo

What about to prevent earthquakes? I remember watching a show where a 'psychic' predicted that they would nuke a fault zone in Europe that would drop most of it into the ocean.

I wonder how far melting all of that would go to creating a greenhouse effect? Get some plants up there to reprocess it into oxygen, which I believe is more of a greenhouse gas than CO2.

I thought the '09 Start Trek scenes were pretty good, tbh.

Games are made to have fun, some are more difficult than others. 'Hardcore' and 'Casual' are useless misnomers(?) used to give someone an ego boost.

Would be neat to see what people actually see in their near death experiences.

Tried to LAN Starcraft 2 and couldn't. No LAN = No multiplayer? Even if it has online?

"Looks like Einstein may have been wrong" Was he not wrong often by his own self admission?

Wasn't there a computer that they programmed to just run wild with predictions? It figured out the laws of motion etc on its own then started spitting out some bizarre stuff. Would be cool if they used that as a potential reference for things.

The Higgs Boson walks into a church and asks when the service starts, to which the priest replies. "I know you, you aren't real!"

The arsenic is in levels of parts per BILLION. That is like putting a droplet of water in a 50000 liter container.

My current age, 30. I no longer get carded for lottery tickets and booze and I look more...weathered, in a good way. I am also FAR wiser than even two years ago.

Only ones I have an issue with are the ones that say I need a new cabin/air filter, especially a week after I replace them.

My great Uncle is like this, he has always had two. One he drives and one for when it dies. He bought a final Town Car just because they were being pulled, now he owns three :p

I lead a selfish life? I live and breathe my wife and family and dedicate as much time as I can to them and providing for them. Thanks for the assumption that I live in some hedonistic cesspool of a life.

He can be a bit heavy handed in the way he comes across. "Here is the evidence, you either accept it or you are stupid." I agree with him for the most part except for his methods, you need to engage your audience, not condemn them or they just wont listen.

Heart click for you!

I am not trolling.

Because people eat what they are spoon-fed, even if it IS from crazy eyed ignorant fear pushers who have no common sense or working brain between their ears.

How about so stupid it's evil. Or criminal, I think I like that one better.