Rhiticko Serpico Colombo

And hopefully another argument for Intelligent Design gets tossed out.

Wasn't Chiwetel Ejiofor in Four Brothers? Which was truly and madly AWFUL? Id put that for his worse one.

It's the parents fault that these kids have the requisite sense of entitlement to think they can pull this kind of crap off.


So impounding and 'liberating' these cars for reckless endangerment is a bad thing? There are people with more experience than these twerps to kill themselves pulling stunts like that.

I realize your post is sarcasm, but these inexperienced kids were driving super cars at 125mph. They are damn lucky to have not killed anyone, including themselves. The cars should be seized and sold and HOPEFULLY they will learn something from it.

At least he isn't a Pterodactyl, he might ptero you a new asshole.

It's better than whatever the hell it is your drinking.

Here's a good one, post your 'opinions' on another site, any one.

Bit late to the party but I wouldthin the NERVA reactors would be a better way to go about things. It is already a tested, though unfortunately unimplemented, technology.

I award you 10 internets and a heart!

If I could heart you, I would.

I just want to go on the record as saying 'No shit, Sherlock'.

And, unfortunately, it will sell like...something that....sells......well.

As another Canadian I say we just give them Quebec anyway.

Well, some effects of Tzar Bomba were felt for over 1000km and registered fairly massive seismic events. I don't even want to think of what it would do to a city, let alone an entire (albeit smaller than the US or Canada...but even then) country.

This is one of the most asinine, juvenile 'articles' I have seen in a long time. Who allowed this to actually be posted?

Kudos to Sony for doing this, though it shouldnt have happened in the first place.

We need to see a LEGO TF2 now.

Heart click from me, that is spot on.