That’s the idea. I love Jack Stack, and Joe’s Kansas City (formers Oklahoma Joe’s). Mash them up, and you get something close to Heaven.
That’s the idea. I love Jack Stack, and Joe’s Kansas City (formers Oklahoma Joe’s). Mash them up, and you get something close to Heaven.
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You still didn’t tell me what time the game starts.
It took me less time to write it than it did for you to figure out how many days it’s been since he signed with the Cubs, but thanks for playing.
I do miss being able to say “That’s gay”.
I think it’s a real shame the Cardinals have fallen on hard times. As a longtime Cubs fan, I’d really hoped that the year the Cubbies finally became an unstoppable goddamn juggernaut the Cardinals would hang tough until the last week or so of the season when we’d finally sweep them in a series where we won 10-1 in…
That’s Judy Love, the wife of the founder of Love’s Travel Stops - a chain of Truck Stops all over the West and centered in Oklahoma:…
She looks EXACTLY like a stat-girl from the lacrosse team that I hooked up with for a semester; I have always liked her for that. I miss college.
The most graphic part was her little tongue thing at :31. That ALWAYS means they’ll let you fuck them.
This game broke my brain... This game and the alcohol I have been drinking since 3 pm.