
Everyone has a hard-on for Hader. He’s like the posterboy for relief pitchers.

Hopefully his Christmas is not with the Kranks

I did a long review of the first movie many years ago, and threw in as many C/K substitutions as I could, saying people got ‘kruelly kicked to kingdom kome’, and that Rayden was played by Khristophe Lambert, that sort of painful pun.

Boooo. Raimi’s movies were all about the 60's era with Stan Lee and Steve Ditko literally making everything up as they went along. (Ditko would just draw 15 random pages, and Lee would reorganize them and concoct a story to match the scenes: The mighty Marvel method.) Everything that Raimi shot was a respectful,

Norman Osborne thanks you for this comment.

Good riddance. There comes a point when any game, no matter how ‘great’ should be cut off. Super Smash Brothers Melee is almost 18 years old. It’s time is past. Nintendo has released 3 more (5 if you count handheld) consoles since then. Many of the ‘techniques’ players use in Super Smash Brothers Melee were not meant

Lmao triggered over someone not running a competition for a game that's coming up on two decades old. Plain stupidity.

Melee fans remain the most whiny, entitled people in fighting games.

Finally. Should have left long ago.

The national anthem should NEVER be played at sporting events.  

I hate how Winston is never mentioned. He was my favorite in the cartoon series and had some very memorable moments in the films. Always have to talk about the three white Ghostbusters but kick the one black one to the side.

Witch hunts with no evidence and wild accusations have always gone well, historically. I’m sure this one will be no different.

He looks Happy. Like Jon Favreau.

You may ask yourself ‘How do I work this?’

Come guys it's still in beta they have time to change it. It'll all balance out. They have a plan. Just have some god damned faith!

I was visiting family when the original commercial aired last year. My 94 year-old WWII-vet Granddad went, “Does it tweet lies, too?”

Dammit, I wish I could afford a PS4. The Game Boy Tetris might be my all time favorite game. I love playing all versions of Tetris, but the Game Boy version was the first one I tried and I’m so used to its quirks and idiosyncrasies that other versions feel off to me. It’s like when you have to buy a different brand of

“I am not an Avatar!!I am a FREE MAN!!!!

Avatar 2: The Legend of Na’vi’s Gold