
If you’re going to sell it on it “offroadiness”, try not to murder people.

So the back seat passengers can get out in a space that the driver and the front passenger cannot? Innovative? Yes. Useful? Not so much.

Thank God 100% of the shoes in this collection of photos is annotated with helpful arrows that identify the shoes in this collection of photos. Because otherwise every shoe in this collection of photos wouldn’t have an arrow that identifies the shoes in this collection of photos.

I hear your argument about the mistreatment of Miss Piggy’s character, but I realized a greater travesty while watching the show: The closest female to having a nightly variety show is a felt pig.

“The internets completely over. I dont see why I should give my new music to iTunes or anyone else. They wont pay me an advance for it and then they get angry when they cant get it.”

This looks just like the game I thought I was buying 5 years ago. Fuck you, Blizzard.

Right, the hero might have a thousand faces but to be absolutely original at all times is very hard thing to do. The best most writers can hope for is to put the blocks together in a unique way.

My college roommate dropped out and moved across the country for a girl like you. They met on a MUD.


Look, I don't know if it is because of the 4th of July or the fireworks I just flashed back during or the Salvador Dali museum I spent the day in or the 'effin Higgs Boson beings discovered but I am feeling particularly connected to both the very small and the very large universe right now and I like it.

What could possibly go wrong?

Out in the open is where they hide the aliens, they even make movies explaining the concept so they don't have to explain it to everyone when the curtain is pulled back. Practically every Movie Will Smith does is a DARPA training film.

AAAaaannnd his Uncle! Who he shoots with his Freudian replacement phallus in the face.

I think Carl wants to die, subconsciously.

How can you be disappointed by someone who introduced himself to the world by saying "I'm a Loser"? I also think he's Scientologist by default, his father was one and his wife is one as well. MOST people in the world take their parent's religion and often switch to their spouse's if it is different. It is the

Listen up Children: I have hidden on the internet some Easter eggs. Enjoy! Maverick, Hancock, Vinney Barbarino, Bart Simpson, Earl, Audrey Griswold, Steven Hyde, Lisa McPherson, Elli Perkins, Donna Pinciotti, Chirk, Joan Walden, Carrie Heffernan, Irwin Wade, Randy Hickey, Linda Walicki, Jason Beghe

I thought I was on Io9 'til I read your comment.

Age limits.

Climate Change! I knew it.

I can totally understand Allison not wanting to tell her alternate timeline family about the upcoming nuptials. She's been married twice before and maybe she doesn't want to jump through the hoops again. Generational and Cultural differences can be hard to overcome but even more so if you aren't quite sure what