Out of curiosity, what genres would you put the movies Stardust, The Golden Compass, and John Carter into? What about the works of Jules Verne or H.P. Lovecraft?
Out of curiosity, what genres would you put the movies Stardust, The Golden Compass, and John Carter into? What about the works of Jules Verne or H.P. Lovecraft?
I would think that this gun could defend your home without being loaded. The visage of a nickle plated, double barreled elephant pistol is probably all you need to make 95% of home invaders retreat. For the rest, you could bludgeon them to death with this monster.
Queens, the most powerful force in Chess. (Not that there's anything wrong with that)
That's why it is Eddie Murphy's Rule and not Eddie Murphy's Law.
He had kids, and wanted to do things his kids could enjoy. I saw Raw/Delirious when I was about ten. The bit about Mr. T formed me into the law abiding citizen I am now.
If you are going to lie, you have to believe all the way through. He lost out because he stopped trying.
Um, I see two girls doing blackface; One that is clueless, and another who is too chickenshit to wear her racism on her own face.
"The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party dissention, which in different ages & countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders &…
CP, I'll wait for when Speen Peterson is selling it.
Snarky snarker snarks snarkily.