
But which came first; the "balanced" diet or the necessity for it? There are all kinds of predators (especially in the insect kingdom) that only eat one thing. I would argue that these animals evolved to need the menu that was available, or rather, the genes that were the best fit for the resources had the highest

I thought that character was more like Rorschach from the Watchmen.

Didn't Liam Neeson already play Evil Batman in another movie?

It never hurts to let your imagination fly, just because you have the talent and skill to produce the practical doesn't mean you should always shackle yourself into doing so. "Real" architects sometimes have to return to the well, to refill the creativity that pours out from them.

Sorry Big Tobacco, which isn't even grown here, purchased the governorship for their lead lobbyist to keep us from stopping the spread of cancer to our citizens. We are too poor to fight big business and have nice things like trade unions and other non-governmental organizations that protect individual rights. [en.wik

You know it. A bevy of spider-eating man-bitches.

Sorry, this symbol can not only be disproved by paper but also poisoned by a lizard

Sacred Indian Ground, the whole city. The cannibal Wendigos will come down from the mountain peaks to reestablish their territory.

How about Dennis Storhøi, an actual Norweigan? He was in 13th Warrior w/ Antonio Banderas.

Well that's kinda the whole point. Teens like what they like and sometimes it doesn't make a whole lot of since to either the film industry or movie critics. Green Lantern should have by formula made much more than the (relatively) meager $19 million it netted. They spent half of the $200 million budget on

I think these are all examples of the widening divide between the ever aging Movie Critics and teenage crowd that really fuels the movie industry. Movie Critics are in the Media and their opinions are voiced loudly and often and are well documented so they rarely change over time. "The public" however votes with

How else are we going to battle Skynet's drones?


I don't understand, are you pro-slavery or anti-united states? Unless you mean he is not "one of" but America's greatest President which is arguably correct.

Would you call that smelling underwater? I generally refer to the perception of light as sight.

Grolar Bear Approves.

They can't make a car perfect, that would collapse the aftermarket parts industry.

For the sake of my sanity, I think I quit reading that series around the middle of book Ten. It felt like the mental equivalent of a forced march.