Can we get a spin-off of the alternate reality where the 98% vanished?
Can we get a spin-off of the alternate reality where the 98% vanished?
Parabéns por mostrar para mim que os eleitores do Lula são exatamente iguais aos do Trump. Rejeitam qualquer crítica contra seu louvado líder. Por favor, ele é réu em 5 investigações. Não me entenda mal, penso que a mídia e a Justiça devem ser tão duras com o Lula quanto com o Aécio e o Alckmin, afinal de contas, o…
Here I am laughing at you guys, but I've found out that in the 2018 Presidential Election, Brazil's top candidates for the highest office are Lula, imagine a really corrupt Bernie Sanders who has become a defendant in five different criminal cases and that hates reading, and Bolsonaro, a man who constantly speak…
It's amazing how history keeps repeating itself, isn't it?
As I've stated before, The AV Club is some sort of haven for me on the internet! And I understand completely how most of you feel, we have a candidate like Trump here in Brazil - his name is Bolsonaro for those who don't know who he is -, who is probably worse because he is against teaching children "gayness", to…
"we all love putting people on pedestals, just to tear them down a second later."
While it was only meant to be a joke, it's always nice to learn. Thanks for this piece of intel!
Yes, I love it when rich people think they are being exploited by the diabolical middle class. It's not like they still have 50 million dollars in the bank and can buy a goddamn mansion wherever they please. Salary? Who gives a crap about salary when you have their bonuses and stock options…let's also not forget the…
"As a political candidate I go with how people feel…"
I know Christians love to badmouth Muslims, but I sincerely can't understand why, specifically the Evangelicals who are the ones most hateful towards them. I mean, they are so alike. The majority of both religions hates gays, abortion, women's rights, secularism, alcohol - even though they both drink it while secluded…
What would you seriously expect from the co-founder of ISIS?
How dare Journalists question people's lies, those fact-checking cunts, no one likes a "know-it-all"…
Shit, I almost forgot about this one:
Awnnn, thank you for being so kind! I will definitely take your advice since I am a little clumsy!
"What’s really fascinating is that there have been a number of recent studies looking at brain structural differences between liberals and conservatives," said Saltz. 'And what’s been found in several studies is that liberals tend to have a larger anterior cingulate gyrus. That is an area that is responsible for…
I know they are too stupid to figure that out, shit I talk to these people in a constant basis - I just nod to whatever conspiracy they say, pat on their back and forget the BS they've said in a second - the thing is though that their vote counts as much as ours…I don't mind a Donald Trump, I fear the 50% of the…
But you see, at the time Native Americans didn't qualify as humans, I guess…I mean, science is in the eyes of the beholder or something like that…am I right?
“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov.
And it still would be a better movie than BVS…OH, WAIT!
I've hated Deadpool, but this movie managed to make me even more bored…meh…do you know what? I'll go back to Daredevil, at least I know it won't disappoint me!