
My mom and I went to England a few weeks before the wedding, and the whole country was nuts. There was royal wedding swag for sale everywhere.

Remember when he used a shriveled-up gator claw on the end of one of those pointers? He had a whole back story about it.

Well, $10m is a shoestring budget. Nobody’s making bank on a movie that small.

What’s wrong with going after the next part? Acting is an art, and artists like to practice their art.

First of all, the term is “bloc.”

I have no idea, but I call it as my next band name!

My old roommate had it, and her only way to describe it was that she had to buy a bottle of Crown and drink until she passed out.

Not an even comparison. ED isn’t inevitable, as much as all those fucking commercials would have you think otherwise. Plenty of old farts can get it up without medical assistance.

I am old, so I used to get cereal boxes with records on them. I think I had the Archies’ “Sugar, Sugar.” The audio was pressed into plastic that was laminated onto the box. Then you cut it out and put it on your record player.

Haha! You funny!

Not news. Ellison endorsed weeks ago.

Oops. Sorry, dude.

Awww, how cute! Widdle twoll edited his post after the fact!

Yeah, compare this to the woman from The Runaways who told her story last year.

If only you had read the article, which included Saxon’s letter to Manning.

Within hours, Naughright said, she reported the incident to the Sexual Assault Crisis Center in Knoxville.

No, it just seems you aren’t very bright.

I am a postmenopausal woman who loves beer. Jumpsuits are utterly out of the question.

Yeah, it’s a comedy about a weird incident that sounds like an urban legend. It’s going to be, like smokeytreat says, absurd.

Wrong! The Grammys have always been about looking outrageous. The Oscars are where you look classy.