Rhesus Pieces

Also, if you are in the habit of paying your bill in full every month to avoid interest, you are now in danger of being considered a revolving balance and paying interest continually in the future, even if you make upthe missed payment. I think you basically need to stop using the card after that for the rest of the

I never said it didn’t require resources, only that those resources would not have been taken away from a 1st party release.

Keim told the officer that he had drank two beers at a friend’s house while eating pizza

Every article about a Switch port is filled with comments debating the relative merits of ports versus new releases. Does anyone honestly think the resources that went into porting this game would otherwise have gone into developing a new first-party game? It isn’t an either-or proposition.

Game Boy Classic?

The good thing about the uneven state of the league is that it becomes that much funnier when your brother in law trys to argue “without a salary cap, the game wouldn’t be fair.”

A bad version of this forces a player through an uncomfortably long gauntlet, requiring them to go through a first phase that is initially challenging but that practice can make boring, just to reach a second phase that can be brutal.

Spike TV: down 24%

I have internet-only but I now pay a $9 broadcast TV fee because Comcast forced me to add on a “$10/mo” streaming packing which includes 4 channels.

To be fair, this is Dan Lipinski we’re talking about.  He’s gotta be worse than at least 20% of Nazis.

The hashtag is a great innovation. If I want to view all feed of all tweets originating from America, I can just follow #America. Very convenient!

It seems like a win-win for any new CBA to give teams the ability to “write-off” a season/career ending injury guarantee like this so it doesn’t count against the cap. Players want more of these guarantees, but I’m sure many GMs see this situation and think “I will never make a big injury guarantee like that.”

The point you’re missing is that the third person probably imagined themselves at driving at least one of their competitors out of business by taking their listeners, and there is a good chance the second person felt the same way about the incumbent at that time.

That’s not how any of this works. 3 different people decided there should be at least 1 station and that they should be the one to provide it.

I think I forgot to take my AIM away message down for 15 years and Tiffany Trump just retweeted it?

I think they’re hyphens.

One of the other reasons I think it works is, playing some of these older games on your nice HDTV is a bit jarring, but playing them on a Switch in handheld mode with its smaller screen feels fine.

I recently bought a house so I’ll throw a couple more in:

I started reading Jezebel a few years ago despite holding no particular affinity for its “world view” because I found writers like you to be intelligent and enjoyable. Along the way, I’d say my mind has expanded and my world view has largely shifted, I’d like to think for the better.

“Absolutely nothing aside from the publication date,”