R Henry

Absolutely easy. These will NEVER die. My friend has one with 180kish miles that runs like new. And the doors are 6" thick. And it's been crashed ~5 times. And it still runs like new. Even the factory paint is durable as hell.

I like older ones without the fuel injection, but this one's just fine. 4.9L/300CID L6, probably a T10 heavy transmission. I can't see not having an F250 around. At least one.

The Top Gear truck is a diesel, not an R.

Just my two cents, but leasing is never a good idea. You're basically throwing money away. I've had great experiences with CPO and highly recommend it. At the end of the day, you own the car and can sell it. This is always better than leasing. No brainer.

It was 1997 and the bitterness still very real. Never ever ever well I buy another one. Too many other options! GM is dead to me...and whatever remains of it and its dealers can blow me!

Is that like how all black people who live in south central are drug dealers and car thiefs? Oh wait....that would be racial stereo typing. But he's white, so it's okay I guess.

always skimping on the recommended minimum of 8 cylinders.