Muskism (The Faith which holds Elon Musk as its Holy Savior) will collapse under the weight of its own hubris. This clown is but the latest example.
Muskism (The Faith which holds Elon Musk as its Holy Savior) will collapse under the weight of its own hubris. This clown is but the latest example.
Crow is a dish best served cold.
I want nothing to do with Denton. I feel dirty just clicking on a Gawker/Kinja link.
Could it be Megan Reynolds is precisely the kind of “pussy” Eastwood describes? I think so.
The Corvette demo is 50+ because too few millennials have crawled out of Mommy’s basement long enough to have a job lucrative enough to afford a ‘Vette....they’re still dickin around with Baja Bugs.....!
...fairly certain naked selfies in mirrors will never be seen as “art.”. Crude porn, certainly.
I thought Ballaban was just a passable web automotive scribe. Now he purports to be the explainer about the intricacies of international ransom payments...and seeks to decode politics for the Kinja masses?
Certainly a “First World” problem if there ever was one. No sympathy here.
I never trust heavily modded car. I know how easy it is to take shortcuts...the more mods, the more shortcuts. I would not take it for free.
Likely as sturdy as wet tissue paper.
Decontent, reduce price, remarket as Kia Koop.
This car simply didn’t have the “X Factor” required to draw buyers away from the other more exciting options. Even if it was objectively superior in every category, I don’t think it would draw many Mustang or Camaro buyers.
Gene pool cleaning complete.
If you run a business, it is. Let me guess, you on gov’t payroll?
Honda Accords can be had with manuals, as can Mazda6s. If you must have RWD, you will need to work the resale market. We all know how great out-of -warranty lste model BMW and MB C-class cars can be!
Volvo and Mitsu are truly bit players. How on Earth can they afford to remain in the US market at these paltry sales levels?
Not much flywheel mass there.
While there are exceptions to every rule, my experience with cars from Asia is this: Well made, value priced, long lasting, reliable. In some cases, like my Mazda, sometimes even fun to drive.
Infiniti marketing has officially gotten worse than Cadillac’s. It takes effort to be that bad.
Nice pictures and all, but no, not transformative. I go to Church for that.