
Anyone else watch Hemlock Grove? Roman Godfrey was into period sex lol

Oh fuck- he's in my city... Let me act surprised.

I had to google a diva cup. I feel stupid for not knowing about this option...and also, the imagery of the article may have scarred me lol

thank you! Apparently the other commenters have been lucky to have such nice doctors in their past.

Being full of shit isn't my issue, thanks to digestive issues ;)

thank you, all this time I thought I was trying to prove something.. I'm so stupid. It was a comment stating that I could see HOW this could happen based on my own personal experience.

diet didn't really change as I became an adult, my mom was a chef so I grew up eating a very healthy, and ate all sorts of different things. Much of the same things I eat now. Except I've cut gluten/dairy.

oh yea, and penicillin.. I just had no warning about the burning from the Gardisil

I was 20 at the time and in college, I was told that I had to get it.. I said no 4x and on the next visit (f/u visit due to kidney infection) a nurse came in and administered the 1st Gardisil shot. And when I said I was not interested, they said it was a requirement for college students . I didn't go back to that doc.

and the side effects of the vaccine were not as prevalent. I received the vacc back in 2006, way before the commercials and hard push for the vaccine

I didn't start having anxiety attacks and digestive problems until receiveing Gardisil vaccination. So I can believe there is a real issue with the vaccine. I didn't want the vaccine but the doc demanded it. It also burns like hell when it's going in.. I don't recommend it at all, it only protects against 1 strain

my tuxie was a medical foster.. And then a foster fail because I refused to bring her back.. She now lives on a raw food diet and is spoiled rotten (this comment clearly embarrassed her )

T REX Arms!!

clinch not climb

kitten grunts are the cutest sound! I feel my ovaries climb everytime I hear those little grunt/purr sounds! The best thing about fostering kittens :)

grandmother in law...the queen

This is probably stupid...but I feel that they could have been separated if they were born now. Doesn't seem as aggressive of a joining...my question is do they both die at the same time? I would imagine so, but..they didn't share any major organs?

hilarious!! I WAS!!!

I'm starting to feel popular! The cat went from going Solange on the dog to, beyonce on tv..you knowles what I'm saying?? ...............I'll stop now ;)

Anytime someone goes completely numb/dead in the eyes when crazy shits going down around them.. It's called "going beyonce" lol