
We can all compete, but we can’t all expect to win. 

That depends entirely upon the moral standpoint of not only Activision, but the whole game industry. If the executives can treat their customers the same way that the Chinese treat theirs and still sleep at night, they’re obviously in the right job.  I do not agree with their actions at all.

I agree with much of your argument, but I find the art posted from Far Cry 5 very demeaning. If the roles were reversed with two men (of any race) smirking in satisfaction at having a half naked woman spreadeagled on a rock ready for whatever they were preparing to do with those weapons there would be questions asked.

Thank you for the “clarification” which still begs the question “why does Fallout’76 look worse than Fallout 4?”

You are!!!!

Both camps have equally valid points. The movie is a basket case that should be wiped from history. If it is remade in a fashion befitting the franchise, all well and good, but I won’t be holding my breath!

Have you ever thought that people (not just white) simply don’t like YOU; as your views (if what you are writing is not one big joke) are totally racist.