
Making sure someone isn’t a hypocrite; that they actually walk their talk, is probably the worst thing anyone could do. Worse than spraying an indigenous person with a water hose in freezing temperature. Move over, Stalin/Hitler Hybrid- there’s a new Worst Person Ever in town. His name: Stig. His crime: He made sure

The Nazis:

1. Rallied their supporters by protesting the Weimar Republic’s strict gun control policies, saying that they were disarming the German people.

2. Rallied their supporters by protesting the Weimar Republic’s nationalized healthcare plan, saying that noncontributing parasites were costing “real” hardworking

One Piece’s quality is very much still around. I’d argue it has progressively gotten better.

You sir can go straight to hell, increase the quality not the quantity- it’s 20 years old, it’s large, and easily the best story being published in manga by a wide margin

Shit I hate to say this because the top gif would be awesome if true but look closer. He’s reaching for someone off camera, she’s responding to someone off camera. He’s not even looking at her. But still the arm rub at the end. She hates him. He probably touched her when she was a kid.

Please please Mark Cuban. I’ve never asked you for anything. This is all I want.

it’s doctor hoooo

This makes sense. I’m not actually a jerk like everyone says. Just really, really, ridiculously good looking.

I searched “below average” and got a nice selfie.

It did exist, but it was wiped out by Rosa Parks in the 1860's.

When the lightskinned brothers start attacking each other, we’ve truly lost all hope. We were supposed to be a team!


CTE is real, folks.

never buy Dark Souls!

And now he’s going to be disqualified for having the runs.

Alternate caption:

“Simone Manuel, Wins Gold, Shares Historic Night with Olympics Meme”