oooh...this is an excellent way of thinking about it!
i dunno...according to the oed, it means thoughtlessly causing inconvenience to another person.
yeah, why can’t they figure out that there will still be super schmancy private clinics and hospitals where they can pay cash for extra services.
yeah, i remember reading a while back that james gandolfini only really felt right for tony soprano when he was heavier. that he lost some weight in between seasons, and the difference it made to how he moved and held himself made it harder for him to connect to the character.
ehhh...he wasn’t terrible. at least branagh can act. he was just bad for the part.
nobody knows.
i guess you’re paying for the privilege of being inconsiderate.
i have that sort of reaction to saliva in porn. i really cannot stand seeing a lot of saliva, and i especially cannot stand to see saliva go from one person into another person. so most bj scenes in porn are horrifying to me because of the large amount of saliva.
oh man. i’m going through chemo with my dog right now, and this is my great fear. that at any moment, remission will end and we don’t get any extra non-chemo time with her.
how do you feel about veterinary care at all?
veggie, fruit, and cheese tray.
you’re paying the room fees because that’s what the hotel requires of you to stay there.
yay! thank you! someone else who likes to be extra polite!
dang. put that on a tshirt.
yeah, and it’s exactly the sort of hypocrisy that idiot college kids engage in all the time. that inability to think critically enough to accept that someone from another tribe could be right about something, or at the very least, not actively wrong.
yes! thank you! something doesn’t have to harm or inconvenience me or other diners for it to be objectionable.
it’s not that it ruins the meal.
what about people who eat right and exercise and are 40 pounds overweight?