
first of all, just because you haven’t gotten the flu shot before doesn’t mean you’ll never get it. that’s a crap logical argument. if that logic held, then why go to the doctor for any sort of general checkup? just because you haven’t gotten cancer yet doesn’t mean you won’t. just because you haven’t had a heart

it’s not false, because i very deliberately didn’t say it removed all risk. i said it lowered the risk.

i do give a shit about your dad, because he’s a person. and i don’t want to inadvertently harm another person when there’s something so incredibly tiny that i could do to lessen the risk that i would be the vector that causes another person harm.

hm, and the risk of losing work and thus money doesn’t make those other workers get the shot? like, spend $20 (or get it free), and lower the risk that you’ll get sick and miss a week of work and lose hundreds of dollars. even if you do get sick, you might only miss 5 days of work, instead of 7. 

fewer people die from the flu if more people get the flu shot.

it wasn’t, in fact, 0%.

yeah, and you’re a paragon of virtue for refusing to do something cheap or free that causes you minimal pain or inconvenience, but could lower the risk of someone else getting the flu from you.

good for your husband.

oh my god, yes.

thank you for being a reasonable person and a good citizen who does something simple so that they might prevent harm coming to another person. 

you can get a nasal spray vaccine, you know. 

no, i don’t respect your choice, because you’re choosing to not do a simple thing that could have a big impact on other people. i don’t care one bit what you do or don’t do to your body.

that is perfectly said.

my dad had a terminal lung illness that was diagnosed in 2009, and he got a transplant in 2014, making him immunocompromised until he died.

on a slightly related note, i thought that first screengrab was jeffrey tambor. 

i’m a lady, but i agree with the sentiment that women should feel free to respond however they want. if she honestly wanted to respond how she did, then fine.

yeah, i got over it a little later in the day, when i went with my husband to get a suit at joseph a. bank (or josabank as we call it) because he needed one and didn’t pack one and didn’t want to spend a fortune.

that warms the deep frozen cockles of my heart. it would make a sort of spiritual kind of sense for a company that has such happy employees who believe in what they’re creating to be able to design the perfect funeral-and-everything-else-dress.
