
i flew into town a few days before my dad died, having not packed a funeral appropriate dress because it seemed too morbid? even though he’d been in hospice for a few months, and was pretty out of it by then.

shrieking testicles.

oh man. you beat me.

was the man wearing a tshirt that said “in a field full of white people, be the most racist”? 

he’s so adorable and enthusiastic!

oh man, that movie, Tombstone, and French Kiss are like my trio of childhood favorites. French Kiss is the only romantic comedy I happily rewatch, mostly to see Meg Ryan’s impression of Kevin Kline’s character.

damn. sometimes i forget how great that game is. then i see pics like this and just...marvel.

YES! why pull lester at that point, when he didn’t really seem to be laboring? was it because his hitting is generally weak? that seems like an odd calculus, but i think it’s what the commentators were talking about. and i could understand not wanting to tax him too much if this was a series.

underage drinking...i don’t even blink at that. neither did my school. i blink at it with kavanaugh because he’s lied about it.

yeah, i’ve never done one coat that adequately covered a wall and i am a decent painter, and i’ve painted every room in my house with high quality paint.

yeah, do people think that the pants under the chaps are part of the chaps, like the leather legs have a denim butt and crotch for some reason? so that when they see chaps hanging up or something, they think those are assless chaps?

when i was a teenager, my dad, uncle, and i were out in our yard practicing some little chip shots with practice wiffle-type golf balls (i played high school golf and was terrible but it was something to do and my dad and uncle were trying to help me), and my uncle decided to get out a driver and see how far he could

he is a delight to watch.

i’m weirdly partial to three musketeers

yeah, but the thought is so unoriginal that it hardly merits being said aloud. and coupled with that writing, it indicates that he THINKS it’s an original thought.


i vote for jason isaacs in...everything. including me.

ugh, yes, i hated fantastic beasts, and her attempts at american-ness.


bummer. i have developed a thing against penn state because i have met 4 alumns, and in unrelated conversations about undergrad and studying and such, they all independently made jokes about how easy it was, and how they used cliff’s notes in lit classes or copied problem sets from upperclassmen for econ classes. i