The Rheal Jim Beau

Tibet isn’t a real populous place, but most people in the west and in the east are aware of the Dalai Lama.

My wife threw me a “surprise” birthday party every year since I turned 26.

In Crocodile Dundee 2, Mick swings a bullroarer to “make a phone call.”

The police showed up at my 3 year old’s birthday party to serve a noise complaint.

When my brother-in-law discovered cocaine & 19 year old bartenders and divorced his wife, my kids never lost their aunt Christa.

I was an assistant coach/trainer on my son’s hockey team, and like a chump I stuck to bandages, ice packs and splints.

So Durant kind of seemed like the adult in the room when he and Westbrook were together in OKC.

Seems to be a good time to mention that the Milwaukee Brewers logo...doesn’t resemble a bird at all.

TL;DR  - too long, didn't read.

NCAA could do this if it didn’t cherish “amateurism” so much.

We're talking about that shade of blue...right?

Hold a homerun derby where nobody hits a homerun.

The only thing worse than writing someone’s obituary about their famous spouse is writing someone’s obituary about Darren Rovell.

Every time I look there’s something new:

I’m hoping the Rockets finally deliver CP3 to the Lakers, and it plays out exactly like the Kobe-Nash era.

The year was 1976. In my first game as a goalie I got hurt twice. Both times my teammates made a point of telling me how brave I was, I gathered up my gear and the game resumed.

I always found adrenaline + “where the fuck is that puck?" could get you through to the next whistle.

Goalies wear bruises like a badge of honor. If you get two or more goalies together in a social setting, invariably they’ll start comparing bruises.

...I don’t recall any generation who accepted losing.

I don’t get upset at spoilers, for the simple reason that I have an innate ability to miss cultural moments (mostly series finales...and since finales are usually longer than regular episodes, they rarely come up during syndication).