
The foot kicking, over the shoulder look, and deep sigh at 5:18 is hilarious. She’s livid.

it’s always gross people that text “mmmmmm” in an attempt to be sexual.

waiiittt, fellow IUD-haver. Did you bleed forevvver after? It’s been 3+ months and it will. not. stop. Light enough to call it spotting, but it’s still everyday and my Dr. just tells me to wait it out, but it’s kind of killing the whole point of having sexy sex all the time.

If it was a girl speaking to other girls, saying “Girls can do anything!” would be appropriate, but it’s woman speaking to another woman, so it’s infantilizing womanhood and women’s capabilities.

I came to say the exact same thing! Also “Girls can do anything” rather than “Women can do anything” :|

Ring ON TOP of a glove?! I know she’s a diva, but ***REALLLY***?!?!

He’s on a press tour for a movie, not an apology tour for his past. There’s no justification to blindsiding someone who is there to talk about a superhero movie by bringing up shit from their past familial relationships, heartache, and drug abuse. His line of questioning was blatantly rude, and he knew it — hence the

Those brows doe (and make up and wig?) She’s catching up with Dougy fast.

I was in a similar boat in Oakland. We had talked about it, but he couldn't commit on core values / goals / time. Moved to New York nearly 10 months ago (after a last resort proposal to stay) and it turns out it's been great for both of us. Still love him, he loves me, but sometimes time apart forces you to realize

:/ Won't embed the vid. Le sigh.

This one is always stuck in my head...

I always thought the word “hunt” in in Egg Hunt meant actually searching for eggs, not a Hunger Games, hunt-and-kill your fellow toddler type of hunt.

Can we trade bewbs? I feel like those would make me more of an hourglass and less of a pear.

28G isn't silly big? That sounds enormous! I'm small breasted, and would kind of love some glorious knockers, but my friends that are very top heavy have all talked about a reduction — the one who went through with it (mainly due to the chronic back pain, breathing issues) only has good things to say about it — also

Fuck that misogynist, hypocritical POS, Ghandi. Also, fuck your fb frenemy. And that website. And the internet.

Sex always looks better on screen, doesn't it? I feel like quickies anywhere are always over before you have a chance to sweat. Like you need at least 20 minutes of an active romp to get that sticky nightclub vibe, unless of course it's summer in New York, then you're sweating before you even start and end up in a v

I guess you perceived my sarcastic enthusiasm (!) as real honest enthusiasm (!!!) ? I mean, I figured "all the sexy times things" and "all the exclamations" would be dead giveaways.

I've never done this! And I do all the sexy times things! Despite the grossness, now I wanna get that good good in yellow cab! All the exclamations!

It's okay most days, but we had blended our families and he'd become my best friend— I think that's the hardest part. I make a show of eye rolls and "ughhhh"s when I tell my friends now that he still texts me that he loves me and that he misses me, but in reality I feel the same. I guess this is one of those fake it

This doesn't give me much hope. I'm somewhere between 5-8 months out of a 5 year — it was like one of those terribly acted death scenes where you think they're dead, but then they gasp a last breath, and then give a little twitch and.... then close their eyes to die. I left him, in another state, no less, after too