
a little gem from her fb page here. Obvi, "the blacks" are the problem, not the racists.

Because that is stupid and degrading.

Your first comment was fine - it's important to educate our sisters and allies. Ya don't GOTTA be a twat, doe.

I don't really have any say in it. I used to be an active volunteer with Cat Town until I started training for a half marathon with Team in Training. But Ann Dunn (Founder of Cat Town) is super receptive to feed back — send her an email or meet her at the pop up this Sunday in Oakland! Info is on their fb page here: ht

Hooray for Cat Cafes! Check out Cat Town's Cafe coming to Oakland — There is a pop-up fundraiser this weekend in Oakland - with cats, art, coffee, and probably some snacks. Cat Town has been rescuing at-risk cats in Oakland for 3 years and has saved 500+ cats and kittens from euthanasia.

33 is NOT OLD! I'm only 24 and 33 doesn't seem like an age where I would feel too trapped to get out of a sexless relationship (60? maybe!). We're living longer and longer - you could easily live to your 80's... 50 more years with not enough sex? Don't give up on yourself and getting your needs met! You deserve it!

Mine too! We were drinking at his neighbor's (my friend's) BBQ July 3rd 2009. He just bought a Ducati, and me, being an Italian motorcycle lover, hopped on the back of his bike and introduced myself. We sat on his bike and talked for a few hours, had our way with each other and I thought that would be it. He picked me

I've tried quite a few different birth control pills/hormones. NuvaRing f'd me up. After 2 weeks up there, my hair was coming out in clumps and I couldn't sleep. ever. like would only sleep when I was past exhausted and literally pass out. Plus there was that one time I was getting fingerbanged and dude pulled it out

Put it in a sandwich!


Quinoa with everything... I hear you can make granola out of it.

Now playing

My point exactly. If you can't laugh at farts, or even at the very basic level understand why farts ARE funny (to 99.9% of people), then you probably live a pretty humorless existence. While your fartless relationship may be more polite, I'd rather laugh with my partner and find humor in even "gross" things.

You probably have a really great relationship with your husband. But it also sounds like you're not that much fun. Who takes themselves so seriously that they can't laugh at a fart? FARTS ARE FUNNY. Everyone thinks farts are funny. Even the Queen, I'm sure, has had a good chuckle about an accidental fart.

Since when is lying on the internet a crime? Or was it the giving a stranger $10K?

Maybe dogs have 9 lives too. They just don't brag about it like cats. Really tho— my best friend's beagle died at 17. SEVENTEEN. And that was only after being hit by a car, falling down looooooooong flights of stairs, and running into walls repeatedly — that was only the last year of her life.

Last time I checked, onions are one of those "never" foods for dogs. This is probably why I'm a "cat-person".

D'angelo: Now and Then.

2 days?! Sounds like yours got cut with meth!

PPD is shitty. My friend was struggling with it last year after she had her son in Oct 2011. She was seeing a therapist and being medicated for her depression and mood swings (manic-depressive before she had a kid) until she chose to OD on her prescriptions on her 24th birthday. No one saw it coming. My heart goes out

If you're "not a Christian" — Why all the bible-thumping?