This is Karma. Raf Simons copied Angel Barta’s designs in his last collection. Angel sent him an open letter this month. Read more details and check the original designs in her new post here.
This is Karma. Raf Simons copied Angel Barta’s designs in his last collection. Angel sent him an open letter this month. Read more details and check the original designs in her new post here.
My uncle has Parkinson’s, and sees him as a personal hero.
I KNOW. My fiancés old place didn't have cable or anything and one of the only things to watch was the series collection of friends which we did just to make fun of stupid ass Ross
In today’s Pissing Contest, we’re talking about our worst encounters with bugs. (Thanks to reader Chad for the…
Well Blake, Anthropologie already exists so your website was just redundant. Sarah Michelle Gellar is getting into selling organic cake and brownie batter. Maybe you can find a similar niche.
Welcome back to Behind Closed Ovens, where we take a look at the best and strangest stories from inside the food…
Because Paul Rudd has chosen not to age and thus does not need a replacement.
*sniff* My dress was made from organic lentil by-products. I don’t know, I guess I’m just not very materialistic compared to some people.
Fayetnam. We drove through there on the way to the beach as a child and someone shot the window next to my head out with a BBgun.
Weird place to ask, but I’m a lesbian who just moved to RTP (S Durham). Any advice on places to go//fun stuff in the area? Definitely don’t mind driving out to Chapel Hill or Raleigh.
Wait, are you sure Fayetteville isn’t the worst part of North Carolina? Because I’ve lived here all my life and I spent 8 years of my childhood there and let me tell you, I don’t miss it. However, I love the Triangle where I currently live and also the mountains and Wilmington and the Outer Banks.
I live in Raleigh and if this garbage happened here, that business would be smoked, slathered, devoured, and shat out like pulled pork. And let’s not even ENVISION the patchouli-soaked carnage if it happened in Carrboro.
Yeah, but once upon a time the only reason anyone knew her name was his career, and ...
Notice how the time slot is already double-booked, but that wasn’t a problem.
Glanced too quickly at headline, brain reported that it says “Kirk Cameron a Hotmess Child-kicking Racist.” And I’m “. . . yeah, that sounds pretty likely.”
She did not consent to having sex with this woman. She consented to having sex with a totally different person (who turned out not to be real). This flies in the face of every aspect of knowing and enthusiastic consent.
The eyes are the window to the soul you know.
Why should your friends have to wait for you to finish before getting their drinks or desserts? You and the writer of the WaPo piece have a serious case of Special Snowflake Syndrome. Also, servers are not your servants, no matter how much you want to argue semantics. If you treat them as such, you deserve whatever…