
Sadly, this was cruel of you to throw numbers at your neighbor post purchase. You assume the price of fuel will remain the same; you assume driving by all achieves the rated MPG. I have a hybrid SUV that should average 31 mph but I have logged over 40 mpg many times. You also failed to compare this hybrid to the car

So, why have them in the first place? If their job is to promote the team off site, why are they not properly compensated? This is the wealthiest sport franchise in the US!!

The human capacity to find ways to destroy vehicles seems constant. The formula: human+ foolish act (drinking, showboating, lack of training, lack of emotional control) + high vehicle speed= disasters!

Sorry but it is “wickledly fast” not “wicked fast” as to grammar. Common error these texting dominated days. Good report. Thanks

Take 1/2 the weight of the car and square the speed. The dynamics are HUGELY different. Next, stopping distances. Look online. Next, the truck driver, and I see this frequently, took his long truck/trailer into the path of the car that was too close. At 74 mph that is 100 ft per second. Next, calculate time the truck

I wonder why you may think that curse words and being vulgar is attractive and produces good writing. Allow me. It does not do that. Actually, it detracts and reveals less than positive factors. The absence of these insulting words would not insult anyone and would elevate the content's value. May I suggest you

Let us be forgiving for most drivers are not trained in the science of physics. They also have not taken any high performance driving courses. They just do what others do across the human spectrum, and, crash. This happens on USA streets and roads by the thousands each day. Check on school bus "accidents" online. The