
Yes, a PLEX being converted to AUR and used to buy things on the Noble Exchange is more profitable (specifically, incurs less overhead) than a PLEX being redeemed for subscription time. Yes, CCP already has the money, but before, they would still have had to support that subscription time eventually. Now, some of

If they didn't make their feelings known, it probably *would* happen — which would be a slap in the face to all the (many, many) people who have put in months or years of real time and hundreds or thousands of reall dollars into earning this stuff the hard way. The protests are justified. I'd be out there with 'em,

And thank you (or whoever) for the heart-click. :P

The riots aren't actually about the vanity items. The price of those just helped set them off. Read some of the other comments and replies for the full story.

It's about greed in a virtual world that doesn't directly affect real life, which is why morality doesn't mean shit in-game.

It's not about the vanity items. The redonkulous price of the vanity items was just part of what set them off.

I'm sure you've seen or heard of games that would fit the description "space fighter simulator"? Well, EVE Online is kind of a "space society simulator".

Most of the hardcore EVE players run multiple accounts simultaneously (as mentioned somewhere above, one player had *29* accounts, and cancelled them all in protest over this). Trust me, if CCP introduces real-money transactions for anything that gives an advantage in-game, enough people will quit that it will take ye

It's not a station, it's a (indestructible) memorial statue, moored near a station. [/semantics]

@Trunkenmath: Technically, you're correct. However, if I buy a PLEX with in-game ISK, and redeem it for subscription time, I have effectively taken $15 out of the game, since that's $15 I don't have to pay to keep playing.

Hit the nail on the head with this. +1

It *is* profit. Until now, every PLEX on the market would, in theory, eventually be redeemed for subscription time, and a good chunk of that $15 would go to system upkeep, leaving only the margins as profit. Now, every PLEX that gets exchanged for Aurum is removed from the possible-subcription pool, and turns into

They're not rioting over vanity items. They're rioting over the future likelihood of so-called "pay-to-win" microtransactions.

Steam has the same 14-day trial you get by downloading directly from the game's website. After that, it's pay-to-play. You can set up a recurring credit-card subscription, or you can buy EVE Time Codes (ETCs); each ETC is two months of game time, and costs $30 or $35 USD.

Seconded. Give me 100 actual MPG or 250MPGe in a fully-loaded family sedan, and we'll talk.


Eh. I'm a proud nerd/geek/dork/etc., but I don't like the clacky keys. I like quiet, shallow-press keys, preferably illuminated.

Last I heard, Sprint was trying to phase out the old IDEN network. The only reason it's hung around this long is all the people that are addicted to their Nextel push-to-talk (although that number is dwindling).

This. I hated the shape of the Controller S, and couldn't use anything with the S's button layout until I got the Logitech wireless controller — and I still say that putting the black and white buttons under the thumb is stupid. Turning them into the X360's bumpers is the best solution, but my second choice for B&W