
If he’s talk about the same spray my brother uses (he’s a nurse, and does my shots more often than not), it cools an area the size of a dime, and doesn’t cool the skin all that much more than a minute with an ice cube. It’s not going to “decrease their body heat in a significant way.”

“Lol,” was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2011. If you really wanted to be pedantic, the issue there is with incorrect punctuation on an interjection/incomplete sentence.

I have a friend who does this same sort of thing with a little Lego man on his desk. Lego Steve sits and stares directly at him from a bit of grass glued to his keyboard until my friend’s work email is empty every day. When Steve has been appeased, he heads back to his minecraft themed farm up towards the corner of

I spent the whole article snickering to myself and picturing Archer with blonde hair and a belly shirt every time I read “honeypot.” I’m clearly twelve.

I’m not sure how I feel about letting a guy who can’t divide by two work on my house . . .

Something I’ve noticed that I think is weird is that name recognition seems to hurt a game. People hear certain names and their inner insecure fifteen year old whimpers “but . . . nerds play that.” The obvious example would be something like D&D, but I’ve had the struggle with Munchkin, Settlers of Catan and Ticket to

Guys, the section of the venn diagram where internet nerd and sports nerd overlap is much larger than you’d think.

I feel the need to stick up for the non parents for a moment. Many of us specifically chose not to have kids. In my case, I don’t particularly enjoy children, and I do my best to avoid them, especially in what is already a cramped stressful environment.

This is a great example of absolute vs relative risk. Sure, using a bagged salad might be considerably higher in risk than preparing salad yourself, but the risk is increasing from almost non existent to a level of near non existence slightly higher than the previous level of near non existence.

Either that, or people should develop a sense of humor about it, and not take themselves so seriously.

Just remember, telling everyone to “ignore the troll,” is not ignoring the troll.

“Technically they aren’t drugs.” One of the more brilliant pieces of marketing ever was convincing the American public that supplements are in some way distinct from scary “drugs.”

I left my newfoundland in tact because of the research showing that it drastically reduces the risk of hip dysplasia. He’s never been aggressive at all, and he’s never around other dogs (with the exception of two spayed females). He’s never gotten loose or run away, and he’s closing in on seven without any signs of

If the plan is to set up a Plex server, you aren’t going to be browsing the files themselves anyway. You’ll open Plex on your device, then scroll through it’s interface to find the video you like. The interface looks a lot like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon or whatever, rolling through cover images of your shows you have

I’m sure glad we didn’t require any evidence, an investigation or a conviction to make sure we recirculated allegations of abuse. Guilty till proven innocent, that’s what I say. Hooray trials in the court of public opinion!

Another issue with microchips is that they can migrate in the animal and actually go “missing” for lack of a better word. My newfoundland (granted, slightly larger than your average cat) was microchipped with the both the older and newer chip designs when he was a pup about six years ago. Last year, the vet went

The big thing where I run is to pay attention to the wind. It took me two years to come to the rather obvious realization that at 55 degrees with a breeze, I can stay warm in a windbreaker so thin you can see through it, or a full on hoodie. If your area is a little breezy like mine, you might be able to get away with

Is it just me, or where there no tips here? It was just “don’t try to get the bartender’s attention, we already see you,” which is fair enough. Every job has its annoyances, and I imagine after years behind a bar, you probably have a pretty decent system in your head for making sure everyone gets served, but “wait

I’m not sure I totally see the benefit of doing something like this rather than just something along the lines of lubuntu. It seems like all the limitations/downsides of a chromebook without the upside of the zippy/tiny high battery life, fast booting device. Plus, it looks as though lubuntu would work on a broader

Far and away, the best part of this thread will be finding out what people think you “should already have,” in your closet.