I realize that functional illiteracy is not a disqualifier for a would-be feminist, but I wonder whether or not KK has ever read a book and can converse about any topics historical, sociological, or political.
I realize that functional illiteracy is not a disqualifier for a would-be feminist, but I wonder whether or not KK has ever read a book and can converse about any topics historical, sociological, or political.
'Goddam tragedy of suckiness and evil'
I think the word 'scandal' kinda understates what is going on here.
I would call this more of a workaround than a solution. The economics could get problematic, depending on how frequently you do sex. And what if you are trying to get pregnant?
Yes, please keep the stories coming! And as detailed and lascivious and ribald as possible, because: free erotica!
Hmm, maybe ask yr. gynecolologist then? My advice was in reference to the fact that uncircumcised penes require one more cleaning step than cut ones. There may be other variables.
"I say this as a women who without fail gets UTIs from uncircumcised penises"
"'you’d like to have sex with me again, right?’ look"
"to be fair, the models' manes are extra shiny and, boy, can they canter!"
FAKE! Obama is a Muslim so he can't eat salad.
The Grand Unified Dumb Theory of Huma.
Abedin, like all women, really, just loves constant public humiliation and speculation about her motives and perspectives.
These two are worse than R. Crumb.
All those puppy gifs help, too.
Do the harassees get any time off?
Wait....it's coming.........an idea.....forming
That kid on the right looks like a real armload.
Scott Disick is a terrible ___________.
I once wrote a math rap.
I suspect that Kanye and I would have very little to, uh, rap about.