Johnny Chunders

Kids have it easy these days; I got my dementia the old-fashioned way: repeated concussive and subconcussive impacts to the head.


Uh, Du Bois-ian affectation?

Like a "hipster", a "bro" is defined by context and inflection.

Also awaiting apologies: anyone with opinions to the left of Otto von Bismark who has been on FoxNews ever.

When I get embarrassed, my ears turn red. Silvio does not feel embarrassment.

When you pull off this obviously fake mask, you discover that he is actually a Italian suit full of foulmouthed, horny teenagers.

He is wearing a little black burglar mask and hiding out with a family of raccoons.

The GOP is a lot different than it was before 2008. If a Republican even has opinions on anything other than NOBAMA, gunz!, or "let's grind up the poors to make fertilizer", they are outsiders and thus unelectable.

Dunno about the legality, but I would think that the technical issues are the limiting factor.

It's like a fancy, complicated beanie.

You can inhale the melon, too, but it is a little uncomfortable.

I like how the "with women" part is understated compared to the line above.

See: the writings of Dan Savage.

Funny thing, all the stories DO end with the storyteller exclaiming "OW MY BALLZ!'.

Oh, I thought you meant you could block specific people entirely, not just dismiss them after the fact.

I really don't want to go here, but that infamous Reddit rape post was full of anecdotes about what happens when you take this kind of advice/follow this mindset.

"delete them from your feed"

Those are all more "air" than "shoe".

Boy was he surprised when he took his kids to see 'his' billboard...