What purpose the Internet if not to let everyone else in the world know what you hate?
Pretty hypnotic, actually.
FACIAL FUEL! It's like combustible hydrocarbons! But for your face, not your car!
Like most fast food, it probably contains a lot of non-nutritive filler. Silica or whatever.
Medication for depressive disorders has only been available for a very brief/recent period in medical history. Most doctors/psychiatrists/therapists etc. are tremendously relieved to have these additional intervention approaches in their toolkit and take full advantage.
Huh. Well that is 3/2 times as depressing.
The planet is awash in unremarkable and cliche sex films. The Girls connection is just an attempt to get this (probably boring) movie some additional attention.
Yes, really. Pornography is culturally important.
Lena D's negative reaction to his naked people movie was probably one of the best outcomes for him. He gets to act all huffy about politics 'n' this 'n' that, where before he was just some shlub makin' crappy pornos.
Eyes you can get lost in. And never seen again in...
"But can either study be considered a conclusive study..."
That sounds pathological, rather than just a cultural "thing".
Not only do you get drunk, you get to smell like the inside of a charred oak barrel!
"'s a status symbol in gang culture to impregnate multiple women."
You can actually dip your unprotected fingers/whatever into liquid N2 for brief intervals. The Leidenfrost effect will prevent any damage.
When I was in school I saw a science demo where the science guy dipped his hand into liquid nitrogen, withdrew it, and pounded it into meaty ice shards with a hammer. It was just a glove full of hamburger, but it was a gnarly demo.
Wait, isn't Vinny the "smart one"?