
Wait, when they made Golden they brought in voice actors to re-do the whole thing? They didn’t just import all the old audio files from the PS2 original?

Why the outrage, exactly? How is this that much different from a company hosting an event that has a pig slow roasting on a spit?
Or even just having dead, cooked animals on the buffet tables? Turkeys roasted golden brown, dressed up pretty to not look like it was ever alive?

I’m not defending it, I agree this was

I’m going to have to catch up one of these days if it’s really gonna be ending soon. Coincidentally, one of the last episodes I ever saw was that musical episode where everyone was singing (assuming it was just the one time).

Can I join? Can we also yell at people who don’t fold their pizza? Especially those who use a knife and fork. And punch the rest of the world for making pizza that you can’t fold at all?

Thinking back, I think I get what you mean. I remember one season (2 or 3, not sure ) when I kept getting Azure Ray/Maria Taylor vibes in the soundtracks (even though there were many, various artists)

I just watched the video. And while I laughed when she fell to the ground, all I could think of was when I was walking to Union Square (where I used to work) from the East Village one very early morning in 2010, and I saw a person shitting right in the middle of a sidewalk while her companion watched from their spot

I remember when a big part of what hooked me onto the show was that in the nine episodes of season 1 there was a Tegan and Sara song in like half of those

They could be Hispanic depending on an individual’s familial bloodlines, but not Latino.
Some Filipinos there are Hispanic but some are also just full-on Chinese descent and not Hispanic at all.

Yeah, sort of... because a lot of people tend to use Hispanic and Latino interchangeably.

Latino means someone from Latin America or Latin American descent, basically anywhere south of the American border. Whereas Hispanic means someone of Spanish descent, right?

So a lot of Latinos could be Hispanic, but not

I think generally, if you’re in a group, you all start yelling loudly and threateningly, and with arms up in the air to look bigger to scare it away and protect your things.

... followed by begging and pleading for it to stop? And then reasoning with it that the kayak doesn’t taste good?

Ketchup? come on, be real. Cleveland, not Canada

Ben (De Niro) is a bored and lonely 70-year-old...

It varies from person-to-person and circumstance, because most of the time girlfriend orgasms after 15 to 30 minutes of sex, but there’s still the occasion every now and then when it will be after just a few minutes and we joke that she should then roll over and fall asleep

Well, his voice sounds like he’s dead. Has he been smoking a lot more since the 90s? All I hear in the skit is a gurgling sound when he speaks

Never knew this existed!
Shit. Thanks for sharing!

It’s funny, because in addition to the more popular video version that you mention, there’s also the album version of the song where she sounds like she’s crying. I love that one.

Now playing

“the other day, I was hanging out literally with ALL my black friend...”

As society we push towards education and push towards teaching young men that rape is bad and that just because you’re a frat kid in college it doesn’t mean you can just drug someone to have sex with you, and boys will be boys is not a thing any more, and we teach no means no, and we teach that women can do

Appropriate for what crowd though? There’s still plenty of people who don’t like hugging and touching or PDA in general, especially not on camera.