
One of two things:

No Tebow? These rankings are flawed.

All star game gets you home field at the World Series. Far from meaningless.

In football, at least you don't get penalized (beyond having an inferior player on the field) for subbing a player. In soccer, you do.

You missed the word "temporarily" on that line. As soon as they realize it is a concussion and they don't let the player back on the field, it *does* count towards the team's limit.

Even if they are temporarily subbed for during the test and permanently subbed for after the test determines a concussion, it's the extremely limited number of subs allowed in soccer that make teams reluctant to pull anyone who has a concussion.

Here's the thing: A kipping pull up is not a pull up. That said, it's fine as a workout. Getting good at them does help improve body control and there are benefits. And Crossfit *does* do a lot of Strict Pullups too (at least my gym does). I just wish they called "strict pull ups" pullups and "pullups" (kipping)

Good lord. How did this guy pass the Bar?

I refuse to believe that any member of the Bar has grammar that bad.

My dad records the games and avoids spoilers like the plague. Much easier to do when you don't spend most of your time reading blogs and twitter and facebook.

Offending delicate Australian sensibilities.

I'm interested in the story behind Julio Cesar

Armando. Gallaraga. That feeling immediately after the safe call. I'll never forget that feeling.

Per this article the new Atlanta stadium will also be FieldTurf, not grass.


Why is getting him to sell the team what they really want? They want him out of the NBA. They don't want him anywhere near the NBA. Owning a team, attending, whatever, nobody wants to see his face.

"web 2.0" "MSN and ICQ" wat.

A lot of kids are growing up now without ever having used a "Modern PC". It's all iPads and laptops.

Arm wrestling is as much about technique as it is about strength. I've seen some smaller dudes who are good at arm wrestling beat huge guys.

Agreed. The cyclist selfie was just mean to the cyclist, this one hurts nobody. This "article" is pointless.