
That part of town is called Chamblee, we always called it Chambodia. Guess it still is.

Wow, a Caddy actually got uglier!

If only GM would have done this with the Solstice/Sky/GT they might have actually sold some!

I wanna be Jay's car washing bitch!

Now they need to work on those granny socks!

The only reason GM ruled the roost is because American buyers were complacent about quality. We thought that this is as good as it gets. Then the imports came along and raised the bar, only GM didn't respond. They thought we'd still settle for the same old crap. Apparently, not so.

Anything from Hummer or Pontiac

Looks like he'd make a good bottom-boy. I'd have to chisel the crust out of that hair first though, that's really nasty lookin!

So is Honda planning on cross-branding this with Mazda? Sure looks like a Mazda from the front.

If it's an @aol address then you can count on problems sending them attachments. Even simple PDF docs seem to get screwed up by AOL

I have a simpler tip for batteries. When the device they are in stops working, throw the batteries away and get fresh ones out of the package and put them in the device. I've never understood the confusion here.

Good riddance to bad rubbish! Buick, you're next.

Yeah that's what they said about Cadillac, and it's still only retirees buying them! A Buick will always be a Buick, and if you make them unattractive to the demographic that's buying them then you'll just stop selling them. You're NOT going to get the BMW/Lexus crowd into a Buick.

Based on what we've learned to expect from GM, I would call it at very least a step in the right direction. But "hot"...no.

Or...you could tell Swiffer to go blow themselves and get the Clorox version! It's bottle cap screws off for easy refilling of your liquid of choice.

Looks like crap! The black wheels look even worse.

Now playing

I like this one, they'd never have the balls to show this in the US

It's cute that Caddy is trying to lure the under 70 crowd.

Isn't Tiger supposed to be driving a Buick? Or did he cave into the stereotype?