
Also, Deadspin went down to Ted Fucking Cruz

No I understand that. What I gained from this article is that she is an idiot for supporting her president and was attacked presumably because everyone just assumes that if you’re republican, you’re an immigrant hating, white power spewing, jesus freak. She’s just saying that she can hope for the best, without

You can take the boy out the hood...

Better than whatever shithole you live in mofo, we going to the SUPERBOWL!

Don’t wake up, you’ll be in Atlanta.

“And I have proof right here in my hat, Moroni’s.”

I think she looked lovely.

Where in Hogwarts is Carmen SanDiego?

More like eight...

Are people going to do this for four years?

Their fries are terrible, but the Western Bacon Cheeseburger is the truth.

One time in college I ated a monster thickburger from hardees and got diarrhea so bad i missed class. the end

These are both dumb opinions that are probably incorrect.

And sometimes with one another.

My guess is that they’re Trumpies and can’t stand the fact that Rodgers is gay. The Munn thing is a convenient cover story.

Found the Seahawk fan ERRR i mean “The 12"

Lighten up, Francis.