
During the stoppage, Mokhtari asked the Nancy players to instruct the fans to stop.

looks like you picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue

Jesus, let him play in whatever helmet he wants. It's clearly too late to prevent a serious brain injury. 

Anything to move away from crates is an improvement for me. I have about 100 crates stored up because I stopped buying keys. The drop rates are ridiculous and I was tired of getting duplicates. I would like to know how they’ll handle that situation because I know I’m not the only one sitting on a cache of crates.

The ruling is specific to 46X/Y people, which means she isn’t a XX chromosome female.  That’s the part Deadspin likes to leave out.

So. Like. Let’s be real. Online harassment isn’t okay. That’s a fact. Name calling isn’t okay either. Calling a woman a slut because she wears low cut tops is just dumb.

I can’t believe they spent 7 years making a dumbed down version of Journey for cell phones, with microtransactions.

New York Red Bulls

I’d like to see Rob Manfred try to make Jim Leland wear a patch.

And I’ll get Man In The High Castle from torrents

Mermaids are real. Saw one while i was at the beach a few years back, she was out about 50 yards into the water, frantically waving her hands at me, non-verbal creatures, so I imagine this is how they say “hello” and then she just went under the water and I never saw her again.

As a therapist, I say no. Anger is justified. It’s a valid emotion, just like the emotions this poor streamer felt.

Not at all accurate. To say all women are oppressed by all men is an obviously broad generalization no matter what the theories in your Women’s Studies textbook claim.

Your head is in your ass. She is lashing out at faceless men who have done nothing to her. They are Not ”oppressors”. You are sexist just like her.

It is huge generalizations like that, which robs the conversation of the nuance it deserves, that continue to stoke the flames of division and intolerance. Just as with this woman, people like you should be held to account for making things worse with ignorant and flippant comments. If you are too lazy to make an

But that’s just the problem - I understand WHY people claim it’s not a double standard because of historical oppression.... but it’s kind of ridiculous to give one group a pass to say whatever they want about another group when they’re upset because of historical oppression. How is that a functional way to move

You get paid for this?

To be fair, I rarely check my spam folder either.