
USWNT provides graphics for American teams to use for shows of support in order to push their brand.

The duly elected Premier of Ontario (where I live, sadly), Doug FUCKING Ford would like to say hi to you and remind you about glass houses and all of that jazz.

“I think, as a Canadian, we would just never ever think about doing something like that

“I think, as a Canadian, we would just never ever think about doing something like that,” 

Aren’t goal differentials part of the decision making process if teams have the same record or points or whatever? If so, it seems absolutely correct to dunk on teams as much as possible. 

Even Bruins fans have to deep down know that nobody should be shedding tears for them. No doubt this was a bad miss. Bruins have been the beneficiaries of that all playoffs, it was bound to come back around.

Looking forward to another nuanced argument about how an intersex athlete, with XY chromosomes and 10-30x testosterone levels should be allowed to compete as a female, because Michael Phelps had long arms and he was allowed to swim...

The arbitration court admitted their ruling was “discriminatory” as in it discriminated between having one level of testosterone vs. another. See, context changes the meaning of words! I would’ve thought getting a degree in Journalism would’ve required taking more than just sophomore level English.

Deadspin’s reporting and discussion on this issue has been long on criticism and short on alternatives. It’s obviously a very thorny and potentially unsolvable issue, but there have been a number of issues raised by commenters that haven’t even been acknowledged. In particular:

Sorry, but the correct response was “What is, Annapolis?”

Well no, its how it was designed to be to prevent the small densely populated area’s from dictating how the geographic majority of the country functions. Its along the same reason of why we live in a republic and not a straight democracy.

Why do you think people are willing to spend so much per square foot just to live there?

Because people are dumb and think it’s worth it?

Klan rally HUH? C’mon golden foot. This is a terrible and incredibly nuanced situation, and it is so frustrating to see entities like Deadspin just call it racism and gender bias when really it’s just an awful situation where there is not really a good outcome. That doesn’t make it discriminatory. Caster seems like an

It’s not a race thing though...

Mmm yeah. Reactions like this are perfect.

Never been a fan of Rousey. Don’t like pugilism and she is a crime against acting.Having said that, as much as hate to agree with her, she is right about the transgender fighter.

Semenya is a woman who has higher levels of testosterone than most women, like Michael Phelps has longer arms than most men.

I honestly don’t know what to think.

“I’ve been a part of organizations that had pretty good quarterbacks—Jim Kelly, John Elway, Kerry Collins, Eli Manning, Cam Newton. I’ve led a charmed life with the quarterbacks on the teams I’ve worked for. I know what good ones look like.

this is the beginning of a hockey world where a coach can challenge anything he wants.”