
Cant take jalopnik serious anymore when it comes to CVTs. Get over it, they arent going away and they arent that bad in fact I think they are great and Subaru has the best CVTs in the business.

Oh hey everyone, look! Hockey-needs-to-get-serious-about-outlawing-fighting guy is here! Let’s listen and see what he has to say, I’m sure it’s gonna be riveting and novel ....

I bet he got a free bowl of soup with that hat.

I was actually in for my annual physical yesterday. No lumps on my balls and my triglycerides are 37 mg/dL. The doctor did ask whether or not I’ve been depressed in the last two weeks. Fortunately the checkup was prior to reading this post. Maybe depressed isn’t the right word. I guess now I’m more of a GRITTY REALIST

Thanks for this. When I left the house this morning, I noticed the magnolia tree in our front yard was in full bloom and took a moment to appreciate its beauty. After reading this, I remembered that the real focus should be on all of those stupid flower petals which I will have to clean up over the coming weeks. Life

Reymundo Mundo losing in the first round is the biggest travesty of the tournament.


Shaky Sherpa vs Steele Fortress was the hardest decision I’ve had to take lately, and I just bought my first house this week.


Isme on first?

Shout out to the ref for bumping the leg as he casually stepped over Nurkic.

no fucking way am i tipping hotel staff 10 bucks without them giving me an enthusiastic hand job with eye contact first.

But that’s just a regular old perfectly reasonable 300-500% cost of living raise since the 2016 recommendations!  What, did you not get one of those in your line of work?

Kirk’s bottoming for Jesus

I suppose that makes Jon Gruden = Illyrio Mopatis

That last email is the one you should have sent first, and it’s a shame you had to let Bret Fucking Stephens hand you your ass before you realized that.

Pictured: Russ driving away after the game.

Early favorite for gold is this guy:

As a CPA and a veteran of many estate tax valuation wars with the IRS, I can say, without hyperbole, that taxing “wealth” has to be the dumbest idea since 9-9-9. This would amount to nothing more than a lawyers and accountants relief act. I thought she had some sense. Apparently not.

People find it way to easy to decide how much of someone else’s money they should take.