everything is moist now, everything.......i might just orgasmed 1/4times
everything is moist now, everything.......i might just orgasmed 1/4times
Booze is how I get the other half of my satisfying sexual encounters sooooooo nawwww
Amazingly enough, there is this invention called lube that works wonders for easing sex for consenting partners in drier orifices (including ones that are supposed to be more wet but due to various reasons do not get as wet as the partners would prefer)
And though the researchers do not “define what ‘one-half’ of a sexually satisfying encounter” is
I wonder how long it is before “black people” shit on him for not giving over to the “everything is racist” crowd.
THIS comment is the EXACT reason people are against socialized medicine. I’m glad you think you are qualified to be the arbiter or when medical research is worth the cost.
Talking about “no matter the risk”: all the commenters around here don’t seem to understand what serious surgery an uterus-transplantation is. Plus the to-be-mother will need to take immune-suppressors that can lead to serious infections, PLUS she’ll ned t0 get a second surgery to remove the uterus later. There was a…
The way that some people—men and women—cling to the notion that they ABSOLUTELY MUST pass on their own genes, that this is the only “legitimate” mode of parenthood, no matter the risk, difficulty, or expense, instead of adopting one of thousands of children who desperately need love and security, just fucking blows my…
I just don’t ... get it. If you desperately want to have children with your egg and your choice of sperm, the whole surrogate thing seems to work pretty well. I have a cousin who’s doing it even as we speak, and she’s thrilled to “help”. There’s also adoption, especially right here in the US. There just seem to be so…
I agree that not having a face/hand is wildly different than not being able to carry a baby- the former are handicaps which effect ones day to day life while the latter can be addressed in different ways even if they’re not to the 100% satisfaction of the patient.
I was walking down Vine in Hollywood, on my way to Trader Joe’s after a long sweaty day working at a DV shelter in the Valley. I had to wear a back brace because I have scoliosis that was never addressed because I only had insurance on and off as a child. I was painfully aware of how horrible I looked, in pain,…
Well, I read the contest rules, and it seemed like they were trying to be impartial and fair. The scoring system is pretty transparent. I was not able to find the reasoning for changing the contest to be open to everyone in the age group.
The phrase “Be careful what you wish for” has never been so true. The best invention won simply because it was the best, and you people still whine and complain. I certainly don’t hear you griping about women being able to play in all male sports. It’s a two way street.
And if a little girl had won a boys competition we would be cheering for her
1st my Personal opinion is that there are plenty of smart women in UK, who could win in this as well as STEM careers in general, without excluding men from competing alongside. 2nd,if people are going to complain against the boy winning, at least stating the girls who deserve to win instead and their projects would be…
Sorry, but this is super cissexist. You have no idea (s)he isn’t a closeted trans woman.
Did they photoshop her hands and head? Her left hand is bigger than her entire head. Meanwhile, it’s like they shrunk her head. It doesn’t fit with the rest of her body.