Red Guard

While I agree that his facial hair sucks, this type of statement of reinforces his point in the lawsuit.

You may be kidding, but are kind of making his point for him.

If you’re a grown man, and you concern yourself with buying garments that have been worn by grown men who are not you, then you are a huge fucking nerd and you deserve whatever garbage you get tricked into buying.

I bet you those people eager to hand out cookies to her kind of want them back now.

She didn’t advance jack shit. Social justice advocates just latched onto her, and everybody just willfully forgot that she is a terrible person

I said it before and I’ll say it again. A rich white man lives in a bubble of privilege transitions into a rich white woman living in a bubble of privilege. Her awful opinions aren’t surprising.

Has there ever been a study on the efficacy of anti-sexual assault training? I feel like it wouldn’t work. As someone who has no interest in raping people, I would find it a waste of time, but I assume the kind of people who rape people would find it a waste of time for the opposite reason.

This is a nice gesture, but people who commit sexual assault already know what they’re doing is wrong, so I’m not sure if it will help. Hopefully I’m wrong.

Let me guess... the drivers would have to pay for the training themselves. I don’t have much confidence when they start proposing unfunded mandates like this, like they have with daycare requirements. The requirements in and of themselves are good, but when they start making them mandatory without providing free (or

Like a Thanksgiving Turkey!

Bette Midler utterly destroyed her.

Kim finds ‘the poors’ disgusting.

Such a gigantic eye roll whenever a celebrity (or really any rich person, for that matter) brags about how much money they’re making and uses it as an “insult”.

...and not a book “she” wrote.

Sorry Kim, but GTFO

Ordinarily, such a coordinated attack on Kardashian Prime would not be countenanced.

Those trashians were better off when they were just cashing their grifter checks and not trying to battle people on social media.

The best response was from some guy on Twitter who said if Kim really wants to shock everyone, she should post a picture of herself reading a book.

it’s official, Kim morphed into Kanye, at least on Twitter