Red Guard

There’s a shock!

How many people were murdered before her? Trans are not immune to being murdered, you know.

Like the dead care.

Please. Most people murdered are men.

Heh. She was trans and thus pristine?

What a crisis!

This is real life, sweetheart, not your barely out of your teens feminist fantasies.

Feminist women on-line are much worse than feminists in real life.

I didn’t get it all. I chose what was MOST important.

Advice: you don’t just marry the person.

Um, no. Sooner or later the “cranky woman” does something you can’t ignore. I went back to the same well twice, after many years, hoping she was ready to at least just be honest. Nope.

This is starting to read like the whines of fat women, not just you.

I’ve never seen anyone talk about that in those situations.

You want a girl with a dick.

Ah, rubbish. Maybe in your life that’s true but I never felt I was owed anything.

That was just silly.

“analizing”! :-D

Oh sure. That’s why assholes wander around with hot women until the women learn better.

Um, ok. And here I thought otherwise.

Uh huh. You’re a unicorn.