
This article is a perfect example of the biased reporting by the cop-hating media that is causing so many problems in this country. You reference 12 racist SF cops, and the investigation into their actions. Then you make the statement “Here’s a quick sampling of what SFPD officers think of minorities” before

The blue jays are secretly hoping for a similar 8-game suspension for Bautista so they can replace his .223 batting average for a few games without being peppered with beer bottles by ignorant canadian baseball fans.

you mean the slide that started so late and so high that bautista didn’t make real contact with the base until his ass hit it?

that stings, because your insults have all been so original. and done so while dealing with the sound your mom’s washer and dryer in the background. keep dealing that white hot heat.

agreed. which is shit you saw every game last year. starting the slide 5 feet in front of the bag in a way that makes the fielder jump to avoid you while trying to throw is a far cry from starting a slide at the bag 6 inches from a guy’s leg. you can take still shots of a lot of plays and they look horrible, but all

I’ll go back to my big nice house on a beautiful piece of property, and you can go back down into your mom’s basement, and then we can reflect on who’s in the bigger shithole. you’re completely delusional on the whole issue, and an insufferable troll on top of that. I’m done. I don’t want to interrupt anymore of your

For what it’s worth, Odor didn’t start any of the slides pictured above AT the opponent’s kneecap like Bautista did last night.

As a texas fan, i would’ve given anything for Fielder to charge the mound. How quickly do you think the pitcher would’ve made it into the dugout, and which field player would be stupid enough to get in Fielder’s way.

where are you getting this running shit? talking to you about what actually happened is like talking to trump about his vision for America. Neither of you have a fucking clue. Joey Bitchdick got exactly what he had coming, and there wasn’t any sucker punch or running away involved. Bautista is lucky Beltre grabbed his

never mind, i read further down the thread and now i KNOW you don’t anything about baseball. Bautista is MVP level good, you say. a career .256 hitter with less than 300 homers in 12 big league seasons is MVP good. Maybe two seasons out of twelve was he in the discussion, but those days are over, unless he gets on the

Speaking of morons, you clearly don’t know shit about baseball. You must be from canada. Odor is 22 years old. He’s on his rookie contract. He’s already one of the best defensive second basemen in the game, and he’s going to be a guy pushing 25 homers and a .300 average every season here pretty quick (like this year).

again, Odor has Bautista try to break his goddamn legs, and punches him, and you complain. Last year Russ Martin cant complete a throw to a pitcher, and that was sufficient for hundreds of fans to throw beers onto the field and into the stands. with the lack of class Toronto showed last year, for any of their fans to

Chicken shit is what the toronto fans are. There’s no way this is even as close to disgraceful as what happened last year when the fans didn’t like a call and starting chucking beers on the field. You don’t like Joey Whiplash taking a hard right. Did you have a problem with a baby taking a Molson Light last year

Joey Whiplash got Roughned up a little.

I just don’t think there’s anything more pretentious than the asshole that always shows up everywhere with an acoustic guitar and an excuse to play it.

My favorite part is where the shark eats the pitcher Tara Reid.

nope, they were trying to determine if he was committing a crime, which wasn’t an illogical assumption when he popped over a fence next to a construction zone. when they determined he wasn’t, they let him go. it’s assholes who don’t cooperate with simple commands because “cops are bad” that end up getting hit with

That’s called “police work.” As much of a perceived inconvenience as it was for you, they were simply just doing their job. somebody hops over a fence adjacent to a construction site, they’re going to check it out. when it became clear that you were doing nothing wrong, you were sent on your way.

It’s a strange year if i get more than 3 haircuts. Last year i was in two weddings, which skewed things. Usually it’s every 6-8 months.

If he’d elbowed a white player this wouldn’t even be news...